
BEST eBay Fee/Profit Calc

Written By Unknown on Monday, March 3, 2014 | 4:10 PM

BEST eBay Fee/Profit Calc
BEST eBay Fee/Profit Calc

Latest Updates
What's new in version 3.0
REPORTS ARE HERE! A spreadsheet containing all of your sales information can now be created by the click of a button. It is saved right to your SD card or other external storage!

Product Features
Breaks down applicable eBay and PayPal fees to show net profit on sold items.
Syncs each day to load and save new sales within app.
Creates and saves sales spreadsheet to external storage with the click of a button.

Product Description
This app is perfect for those who may only sell one item or those who sell hundreds of items per month.

Keep your eBay sales information at your fingertips. Not only does eBiz calculate your net profit, subtracting insertion fees, reserve price fees, buy it now price fees, eBay final value fees and PayPal fees, it allows you to add optional shipping costs and costs you may have accrued while acquiring the items and it saves them to the app for retrieval at any time.

Your last 100 sales of the past 60 days sync once each day and save to the app. As you sell more items, your sales information within the app is updated (daily), adding your new sales to your list. You never have to type in anything if you do not wish. The app does everything for you!

Not only can you view all of your sales at any time, but you can have them all saved to a spreadsheet on your SD card or other external storage by the click of a button!

- Imedge Group Applications

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